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Malavika Mohanan’s Dedication to Fitness: How to Do Planka?

Heorhii Rysak

It is undeniable that the current generation of actors displays immense dedication and a meticulous approach to their fitness routines. Malavika Mohanan is no exception, as she diligently focuses on elevating her fitness levels by embracing challenges and exploring new exercises.

Recently, Malavika delighted her followers by sharing glimpses of her perfectly sculpted abs.

In reference to her upcoming schedule for the movie “Thangalaan,” she expressed her determination to intensify her fitness regimen. She stated, “With the next schedule of #Thangalaan commencing in just 2 days, I am gearing up to push my fitness to the limit.”

Malavika Mohanan

In a recent Instagram post, Malavika Mohanan expressed her enduring affection for planks, dubbing herself a “plank baby for life.”

Highlighting the convenience and effectiveness of this exercise, she remarked, “Plank baby for life. Isn’t it the most low-maintenance exercise? You can do it anywhere, anytime, for just a few minutes, and engage most of your major muscles. Additionally, the beauty of planks lies in their simplicity, as they require nothing more than a yoga mat or a towel. Who else out there embraces the same passion for planks as I do?” Accompanying her caption was an image of her holding an elbow plank pose.

The Benefits of Incorporating Planks into Your Workout Routine

Planks are a highly beneficial exercise for several reasons. Firstly, they engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, making them a highly efficient way to strengthen the core, including the abdominal muscles, lower back, and hips. Regularly integrating planks into your exercise regimen can enhance both your stability and posture, yielding overall improvements.

Additionally, planks help enhance overall body strength and endurance. Planks not only engage the core muscles but also target the shoulders, arms, and legs. Regularly performing planks can lead to improved balance, increased muscle tone, and enhanced athletic performance. Moreover, planks require no special equipment and can be easily modified to suit different fitness levels, making them accessible to individuals of various abilities and ages.

How to Do Them Properly?

To perform planks correctly and reap their benefits of core strengthening and improved body stability, it’s crucial to maintain proper form.

Follow this step-by-step guide for executing planks with precision:

  1. Begin by assuming a face-down position on the floor, supporting your body weight on your forearms and toes.
  2. Make sure your elbows are positioned directly under your shoulders, and keep your arms parallel to each other.
  3. Engage your core muscles by pulling your navel towards your spine.
  4. Extend your legs and lift your body, creating a straight line from your head to your heels.
  5. Maintain a neutral spine by keeping your neck aligned with your back.
  6. Hold this position for a specified duration, starting with 20-30 seconds and gradually increasing the time as you build strength.

Keep in mind the importance of sustaining correct posture during the entire exercise. By consistently practicing planks with the correct technique, you can effectively strengthen your core muscles and improve your overall stability and posture.

Optimal Duration for Holding Planks

The duration of holding a plank can vary depending on your fitness level and goals. For beginners, it is recommended to start with shorter durations, around 20-30 seconds, to allow your body to adjust and build strength. As you advance and develop familiarity with the exercise, gradually extend the duration to push your limits and test your capabilities.


For intermediate to advanced individuals, holding a plank for 1-2 minutes can be a suitable goal. This longer duration helps further engage and strengthen the core muscles. Nevertheless, it is crucial to listen to your body, ensuring that you do not push yourself too hard or sacrifice proper technique. If you find it difficult to maintain proper technique beyond a certain duration, it’s better to focus on quality rather than solely aiming for a longer time.

Remember, consistency and progression are key. Regularly incorporating planks into your workout routine, gradually increasing the duration over time, will help you develop core strength, improve stability, and achieve better results.