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Michael Block, the club professional, ended the PGA Championship finale with an extraordinary hole-in-one.

Heorhii Rysak

Welcome to the page dedicated to the remarkable golfing career of Michael Block, the renowned club professional who left the world in awe with his unforgettable performance at the PGA Championship.

In a captivating finale that will forever be etched in the annals of golfing history, Block achieved the extraordinary feat of a hole-in-one, solidifying his status as one of the sport’s most exceptional talents. With precision, skill, and unwavering determination, Block showcased his mastery of the game, captivating spectators and leaving fellow competitors in awe. Join us as we delve into the journey of this extraordinary athlete, exploring the triumphs, challenges, and the indelible mark he has made on the world of golf.

A Remarkable Journey

Michael Block’s journey to the PGA Championship is a testament to unwavering dedication and perseverance. As an unknown club professional, he honed his skills in Southern California, imparting golf wisdom to students while dreaming of competing on the grandest stage. His extraordinary performance at the championship shattered expectations and astounded the world.

Block’s Road to Glory

At Oak Hill Country Club, the site of the PGA Championship, Block defied all odds and showcased his exceptional skills. With a remarkable 1-over 281, he finished tied for 15th in a field dominated by the world’s best golfers. This impressive feat not only astonished the crowd but also secured him a payout of over $288,000 and an automatic exemption to compete in the prestigious tournament again the following year.

The Spectacular Hole-in-One

One of the defining moments of Block’s unforgettable journey was his slam dunk hole-in-one on the par-3 15th hole. Launching his ball towards the pin 151 yards away, Block momentarily lost sight of it in the sun. However, the thousands of spectators surrounding the green witnessed the ball’s magical flight, erupting into a frenzy of excitement. It was only when his partner Rory McIlroy walked back towards him with open arms that Block realized the magnitude of his achievement. The hole-in-one left Block stunned, humbled, and elevated his status in the eyes of fans and fellow golfers alike.

Sealing the Finale in Style

Block’s captivating performance did not end with the hole-in-one. On the final hole of the championship, facing a challenging position in the thick rough, he executed a remarkable chip shot onto the green, settling just 8 feet from the hole. The roar of the crowd intensified as they knew Block needed a successful par putt to secure his spot and guarantee a return to the PGA Championship the next year. With nerves of steel, Block sank the putt, cementing his remarkable journey and leaving a lasting impression on the golfing world.

An Inspiration to All

Block’s incredible journey from an obscure club professional to PGA Championship sensation is a source of inspiration for golfers and dreamers everywhere. His story reminds us that with determination, passion, and unwavering belief in oneself, extraordinary accomplishments are within reach. Block’s success not only brought joy to himself and his family but also served as a tribute to the thousands of PGA teaching professionals who aspire to compete at the highest level.


Michael Block’s incredible performance at the PGA Championship showcased his talent, resilience, and unwavering pursuit of his dreams. From his remarkable hole-in-one to his clutch play on the final hole, Block etched his name in golfing history, inspiring others to believe in their own abilities and reach for greatness.